Every mom can relate to the knee-jerk refrain, “I’m so busy!” when asked how they’re doing. Your to-do lists are endless. The voice inside your head nagging you to do ‘just one more’ task before collapsing into bed. You’re juggling kids, work, household chores, and relationships, and self-care is the first thing that disappears from your never-ending list.

What if you had more minutes in your day to complete daily tasks without burnout? Imagine more time to exercise, catch up with a friend, or explore a new hobby. It’s possible that reframing your time management is key.

Try these 5 time management tips to gain more time for YOU without sacrificing your family.

  1. Simplify

Your expectations of what can be done in a 24-hour period might be too high. Decluttering your to-do’s is key to creating more time so you can focus on what is truly important to you and your family. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’ so you can make space for your priorities.

2. Delegate

Take a look at your to-do list and figure out what someone else can do for you. Can you hire a cleaning service twice a month? Can your kids start doing their own laundry? Can your partner take on dental appointments for the family?

Hard truth: Sometimes you’re too busy because you won’t let someone else help because you feel like you should be able to do it all. Letting go of control creates more ease and time.

3. Automate

Setting up automations takes time upfront yet saves time in the long run. What can you automate to make life easier? Grocery shopping. Monthly pet food delivery. Online bill payment. Meal services. Reminders for annual home maintenance.

4. Systematize

Creating systems may sound overwhelming but don’t overcomplicate it. Simple routines and checklists reduce the mental load of motherhood, which generates more time.

What routines would make repeating tasks run more smoothly and quickly? Add checklists to make routines into habits. Use visual checklists or wipe boards for kids.

Daily routines, such as expecting your kids to empty their own backpacks after school, can save 15 minutes.

5. Strategize weekly

Set aside time on Fridays to plan the following week with your partner or by yourself if you’re a single mom. Planning ahead ensures that schedule changes don’t catch you off guard. Last minute scrambling to fit in doctor’s appointments or teacher conferences can waste time and leave you feeling out of control. With enough lead time, you can fill in the gaps and make needed adjustments with ease.

Incorporating these time management tips can help you reclaim precious moments for yourself and your family, leading to a more balanced and relaxing life.




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