Between demanding careers, kids, and other obligations (forget trying to find time for self-care), many families understand that hiring a nanny is the best option in order to keep their lives and household running smoothly. Different from a babysitter, parent’s helper or housekeeper, nannies are childcare professionals, often with a college or more advanced degrees, multiple certifications and specialized training under our belts.

woman drawing with chalk with children
Image credit: Kampus Production from Pexels

If you have a nanny, or are considering hiring one, here are the top five things we want you to know!

Communication, always and in all ways!

TALK, TALK and TALK some more.  Be clear and direct with your expectations of the role, the job description, your personal preferences for your little one, and the way you see your family and household.  Don’t leave anything out. Unspoken issues are the most common reason the nanny/family relationship breaks down.  Resentment builds quickly, so speak to one another honestly and often.

Get familiar with industry standards.

As an employer, you have an obligation to understand best practices. A contract, cost of living wage increase, guaranteed hours, PTO, mileage reimbursement and a health insurance stipend are some of the things you need to consider.  There are multiple resources for detailed information on all things nanny.  Check out Facebook and Reddit parent groups, and reach out to local agencies. is a treasure trove of free info, and agencies like Nanny Kate and Co.  and The Nanny Hub are locally owned, and can help Cape parents navigate it all.

We don’t get paid for the hour.  We get paid for the value we bring to the hour.

A nanny’s rate should be based on our years of paid experience, education,training and references in ADDITION TO the job description and COL in the area. You wouldn’t ask your plumber or hair stylist or attorney to lower their hourly rate. If you can’t afford the rate of the candidates you are considering, a different child care arrangement may better suit your situation.

Have a backup plan!

Nannies are givers by nature and emotionally invested in your family. We will often push our own boundaries to ensure your family is taken care of.  But like you, we get sick, have emergencies and family obligations outside of work.  Please have a plan in place and a compassionate heart when these things come up.

Celebrate us!

We give our heart and soul to your children and do our best to ensure their emotional, social, intellectual and physical development is a priority.  Take the time to tell us you see us.  Whether during National Nanny Recognition Week (annually in September), on our Nannyversary (the anniversary of the day we started with your family), at holiday time or just a random Wednesday, a kind note, sentimental gift, an unexpected paid day off, cash bonus or gift card goes a long way to promote overall job satisfaction and generates good will and helps cement our commitment to your family.

We adore your children.

In many cases, we spend more time with them than members of our own families. But despite the countless hours of face time and loving interaction we have with your littles, we understand we are NOT YOU!  We empathize with how hard it can be to leave your child in the care of another person, and to balance ALL the things.

Thank you for trusting us, and for valuing our hard work.  We love having a job which loves us back.

Cape Cod Moms
Passionate about parenting and the Cape & Islands community, Cape Cod Moms strives to connect area moms to relevant resources, local businesses, can’t-miss happenings, and most of all — each other!


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